Welcome to

The Growing Tree

Our mission statement is to provide a quality childcare service with a positive approach to children from 2 years 6 months to 12 years. To provide a safe and stimulating environment conducive to the enhancement of the well-being of all toddlers, preschool children and school age children in the Foxford area.

About The Growing Tree

Curriculum Statement

The Growing Tree is committed to providing a curriculum that supports children’s development through an emerging inquiry based curriculum. This mode of curriculum is underpinned by Aistear- The National Early Childhood Curriculum Framework, Siolta -The National Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education.

Areas of Learning - Aistear

Theme 1 - Wellbeing

Childrens well-being is critical for a child to be happy and content. At The Growing Tree we provide early experiences to promote positive mental health and emotional well-being. Emotional well- being impacts on childrens well-being and the ability to learn. Having positive interactions with families and children promotes trust and confidence. Through positive interactions, conflict resolution and being respectful of each other, promote values that enable children to be emotionally and sociably responsive. Enabling children to have a sense of their own self-worth, encouraging them to believe in their own uniqueness, how special they are and enabling them to recognise and express their feelings while becoming more in tune with other people’s feelings. To do this staff engage children with activities to support their understanding of feelings, to communicate physical sensations that accompany emotions while helping them to learn positive strategies to overcome negative emotions. Children are actively involved in discussion and participation through art, stories and role play.

Areas of Learning - Aistear

Theme 2 -
Identity and Belonging

Children have their earliest experiences from within the family and parents are respected as childrens first educators. It is a huge step into the world when children begin their educational journey. Parents are a valued partner with The Growing Tree and can help us to support their child through interactions giving information and being involved, this may be coming in for a morning to engage in an activity with children, coming in for a sing song or having positive interactions with staff. When children see parents interested in their education they see the value of learning. Children learn about themselves and their increasing abilities and begin to gert a sense of the bigger world. The wider community provides a cultural background that helps children learn about who they are and what is in their locality and how it involves them, this can be as basic as Mammy or Daddy working in the local bakery this can provide a wealth of information and opportunities to support the childs interests and learning, places children are familiar with, for example a discussion about the bridge over the river gives opportunity for a platform, from which a rich learning experiences can occur that leads to increased knowledge and understanding.

Areas of Learning - Aistear

Theme 3 -
Exploring and Thinking

Children are explorers and are naturally inquisitive about their world, how it works and why. Children explore using all of their senses, this leads to thoughts, ideas, investigations and questions. At The Growing Tree children are encouraged and supported to explore their world to discover how things work and why. Children are encouraged to think and ask questions and find solutions based on their theories as to the how, whys and what’s. Adults support children through open ended materials, opportunities and questions to encourage self-directed learning, this enables children to work in partnership with staff while developing dispositions such as curiosity, creativity, resilience, responsibility, problem solving, perseverance, independence, being interested etc etc. Children are encouraged to explore and think through all areas of learning including science, mathematical concepts, geography, history, arts and crafts, literacy and the natural environment.

Areas of Learning - Aistear

Theme 4 -

Communication occurs through many mediums from language and literacy to singing, rhymes, role play, art and craft, role play, building. Children use different methods to communicate their ideas, at The Growing Tree we encourage and respond through the provision of engaging materials to help children pursue and develop their interests.

Areas of Learning - Aistear

Language, Literacy
and Numeracy

Language, literacy and numeracy are embedded in all four themes. Children develop language both verbally and non-verbally from a very young age. Children need language in order to develop literacy skills. Literacy emerges gradually over time during the early years. Literacy is the integration of listening, speaking, reading and writing this takes shape through mark making, drawing, ‘reading books’ looking at print etc. Reading and writing begin with learning language, in The Growing Tree we use many forms of play based activities to provide a platform for each child to learn at his or her own pace. The emphasis is on learning through play that is shared with children through their interests. Supportive relationships that emerge with staff and continued observation of each child ensures staff within the setting provide materials and activities to support the child’s emerging language, literacy and numeracy development. Numeracy is more than counting, it is gaining the ability to use mathematical understanding and skills to solve problems and learn to think and communicate quantitatively, to make sense of data, gain spatial awareness, and to gain an understanding of when mathematical reasoning can be applied. The Growing Tree aims to provide children with many opportunities to engage and enhance these early mathematical concepts based on children’s interests and abilities. Improved communication and oral language skills of young children, underpins their development of literacy and the concept of mathematical ideas and language. This supports children’s life- long benefits for the child, family and wider community.

The Growing Tree

Fee Structure


€67.00 per week

€13.40 per morning

School Age Childcare

2.00pm – 6.00pm: €70.00 per week / €14.00 per day

3.00pm – 6.00pm: €60.00 per week / €12.00 per day

Hourly Rates: 2-3pm €4.50 / 3 – 4pm €5.50

Two Hourly Rates: 2-4pm / 3-5pm €10.00

Please note!

Fees are reviewed annually and are set at a rate that ensures the continuance of service.

Our rates are set in compliance with criteria laid down by the national Children’s Investment Programme (NCIP).

For more information on any of the schemes please contact Mary.

Early Childhood Care and Education Scheme

The Early Childhood Care and Education scheme is a universal childcare programme designed to give children access to a maximum of two years free pre-school education before they start primary school. It is available to all children who are two years and eight months by 31st August.

National Childcare Scheme (NCS)

The National Childcare Scheme is a landmark new scheme for Ireland. It is a single streamlined and user friendly scheme to help parents meet the cost of quality childcare. Supports are available for families with children aged between 24 weeks and 15 years who are attending participating TUSLA registered childcare services. For more information click the learn more button. Under the National Childcare Scheme (NCS), parents receive discounts which are then applied to the following rates applicable from September 2019:

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